Thursday, July 3, 2008

On "Hipsitucky"

So about a year ago my friend Chris decided to write a blog about his life in Ypsi. He called it "My Life in Hipsilanti" and he invited some of his friends (including me) to contribute. It had barely got started when Chris, being Chris, randomly decided to delete the blog without telling anyone.

At the time Blogger wouldn't let you recycle a deleted url, so when I decided to relaunch the project under my own auspisces I did so under the name "Hipsitucky." Anyone reading this knows that "Hipsilanti" is a lame play on "Ypsilanti" that has appeared on "Cool Cities" funded banners around town. Chris appropriated it ironically, and my putting the "Hip" to "Ypsitucky" was done with similar tongue in cheek.

Little did I know how controversial the "-tucky" permutation was! I knew it referred to the migration of folks from not-quite-so-down-south to this fair city of ours but had no idea it was ever considered derogatory. Apparently, some people think being from Kentucky is an inherently bad thing.

I try to be respectful of people's sensitivities but will admit that I have a hard time taking this seriously. But since I have recently discovered that people not only read this thing, but actually reference it in heated discussions about the word "Ypsitucky," all permutations thereof, and who exactly is entitled (if anyone) to employ said word and said permutations--I feel compelled to make the following statement.

My use of the word "Hipsitucky" is not meant to disrespect the city of Ypsilanti, the marketing concept of "Hipsilanti," the great state of Kentucky, anyone who migrated from Kentucky to Ypsilanti or their descendants. Nor is it meant to dishonor any trials these migrants may have endured.

I meant only to celebrate the quirky heritage of our funky little town by using the quirkiest, funkiest little word I could find.

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