Monday, November 3, 2008


Let's assume that you are like me.

You live in Hipsitucky, where you are often approached by strangers asking for money. These seekers offer a variety of reasons for exactly why they need this money (they need bus fare, they need gas money, they have a flat tire) but you assume that the real reason remains unstated: they want money to buy drugs or alcohol.

If you're like me you used to help out people but after years of being approached again and again with the same reasons (sometimes by the same people!) you stopped giving people the benefit of the doubt.

Imagine your surprise this morning when a gentleman who bears much resemblance to those seekers enters your place of employment. He goes right past you and hands your boss a $5 dollar bill. "Here's the money you lent my last week," he says. "I'm sorry I didn't make it in on Friday like I said I would but I didn't didn't have it then."

Once the man leaves you ask what that was all about. "He said he ran out of gas," your boss says.

How does this make you feel?